Workouts to Help Prevent Sports Injuries

Workouts to Help Prevent Sports Injuries

Sports participation is a leading cause of injury in young people. Injuries can have both short- and long-term consequences. An injury can immediately sideline a player. This puts both the fun of participation and the health benefits of exercise on hold. An injury that keeps a child out of the game over the long term can also increase the chances of gaining weight, losing fitness, and even possibly developing arthritis in later years.

It may not always be possible to avoid injury when playing sports, especially physical contact sports. Participants can help protect themselves by correctly preparing before and after a game or practice session. This is done by warming up muscles and then stretching. Proper training under an expert's supervision can help players avoid injuries. Following the game rules, wearing proper protective gear, discipline, and teamwork also lower injury risk. Staying hydrated and good nutrition is also a very important part of injury prevention.

How to stretch correctly

Whether the activity is skiing, running, or playing a group sport such as basketball or football, stretching keeps the body flexible. This can cut down on injuries, especially to the knee and ankle. Stretching again after an activity should be part of an injury prevention plan too.

Before any physical activity, including stretching, the body needs to be warmed up with some light exercise. Walking, running in place, or doing jumping jacks for a few minutes will warm up muscles.

Once muscles are warm, they’re ready for these stretches:

  • Forward lunge. Kneel on one knee. Place the other leg forward at a right angle (knee right over ankle). Lean forward to feel the stretch in the inner thigh. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch legs.

  • Side lunge. Stand with feet far apart. Bend one leg and lean toward that knee. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Bend and lean toward the opposite leg.

  • Standing quad (thigh) stretch. Use a wall or chair for support. Raise one foot behind you. Use the hand on the same side of the body to grasp the foot at the ankle and pull it toward the buttocks, stretching the thigh. Keep the knees close and hips forward. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then release. Switch legs.

  • Seat straddle lotus. Sit down with the soles of the feet together in front of you. Press your knees to the floor. Place the forearms on the inside of the knees. Push down as you lean toward the ground. Lean forward from the hips. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Side seat straddle. Sit on the floor with legs spread apart. With both hands, hold onto the shin of one leg. Lean forward, chin to knee. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch legs.

  • Seat stretch. Sit with legs straight out in front. Holding shins or ankles, lean forward from the hips. Bring the chin toward the knees. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Knees to chest. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and bring them to the chest. Rock gently. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.

After every workout, repeat these same stretches to help the body cool down and increase flexibility while the muscles are still warm.

Tips for Success

Follow these tips:

  • Don't bounce when stretching. Bouncing in a stretch can cause damage.

  • Take it slow. There’s no prize for finishing a stretching routine first. Go slowly to get all the benefits.

  • Stay fit year-round. It’s a good idea for your child to keep in shape even during the sport’s off-season. Then they'll be ready for competition when it starts up again.

  • Find the appropriate gear for your child to wear. Help reduce injury by using protective equipment that fits correctly, is well-maintained, and is designed specifically for the sport being played.

  • Respect an injury. If your child already has a sprain or other injury, check with the pediatrician or sports trainer before they get back into action.

Workouts to Help Prevent Sports Injuries
Kian Proactive June 23, 2024
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